Hello all!!!!! Welcome back to da blog! Every time I get all my pictures uploaded to my laptop I'm so relieved but then I totally get writers block! It's not like my blog says anything more than, "omg look at how cute these shoes are" but still!Imma gonna do my best. hehe

I love red. I love how bold and beautiful it is. I love how flattering it is. I loved to wear red when my hair was super dark and I thought I looked good wearing it. I was afraid I wasn't going to kill the game with my new blondy-ness but turns out I still dig it! If you have dark hair or blonde hair or tan hair or red hair you can wear red. even if you don't think so. The secret isn't your hair color though, or your skin color, or if you think the color will wash you out it's actually the confidence you have about yourself. If you think you look good and show that then dang you do look good. It seriously shows. Sometimes it takes some guts to wear a crazy color you normally wouldn't but if you love it and want to wear it then you flipping put on that new shirt and not care.

I post a ton a pictures of myself that are basically the same because I'm super indecisive and make my siblings take a million pictures of me and I end up liking them all so feel free the scroll through and skip the slightly different poses but just know i'm not a narcissist.
This look is very easy to achieve and affordable. These black pants are actually my little sisters but you can literally get them anywhere. If you can't find any with holes in the knees then get yourself a pare a scissors and take care of that situation. I got the shirt I'm wearing under the tank at a thrift store and it's seriously one of my favorite shirts ever. You can get a cool pattern shirt at thrift stores for way way cheap or if you have some in your closet already even better. I got this cute tank top at Tjmaxx and the brand is Paper Crane. And the shoes were also from a thrift store oops.
Oh yeah! The glasses! These were just readers and I just shoved the glass out of the frames because I unfortunately have great vision and don't need to wear adorable glasses like this. (obvi jk) I love wearing frames to add to my entire outfit. Also I just had to wear red lipstick to tie it all togetha!
So here's another red look with that same cutie cute top omggg guysss! I put on a simple white t-shirt on under. These grey almost pj looking pants I got a probably a thrift store -I've had them for a while so I'm not quite sure lol ya know?-and these cute embroidered shoes are from tjmaxx hehe they are by Kenneth Cole. This outfit is a little more girly but still causal. I just wanted to show how to wear this shirt in multiple ways.
Okay that's all the pics. Let me know if you read my blog I would love to know! thanks if you did read it and I hope I could spark some inspiration for someone and I hope you are all happy with your lives I love you all byeeeeeeeee
Love, smashlee/ashhole